shmeckelbot says:
chris t says:
shmeckelbot says:
you said it was done
chris t says:
shmeckelbot says:
do i HAVE to show you the newspost
chris t says:
shmeckelbot says:
how soon
chris t says:
chris t says:
its just two scenes left
shmeckelbot says:
then why the hell did you say it was done
chris t says:
cuz i said it was soon done
chris t says:
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Bh3 is soon done
Posted by oldlyshapedchris [Edit] Apr. 5, 2009 @ 8:25 PM EDT
also i drew an old man.
shmeckelbot says:
about that too
shmeckelbot says:
stop stealing every style i leave behind
chris t says:
yeah right
chris t says:
stop it
chris t says:
we had a cool conversation
shmeckelbot says:
shmeckelbot says:
wow im looking at the drawing again
shmeckelbot says:
seriously cut it out
chris t says:
Ha ha.. i havnt done anything man.. ur a good drawer but make a plot
shmeckelbot says:
youre one to talk
chris t says:
shmeckelbot says:
big heads 2 was just a bunch of bullshit going on while people with halo helmets were just saying some unfunny crap
shmeckelbot says:
someone even wrote a review
chris t says: make acid tripps......nuff said
chris t says:
shmeckelbot says:
borntobyte makes 'acid trips'
chris t says:
yes.. i dont like his animations
shmeckelbot says:
if things are artistically valid then -
shmeckelbot says:
shmeckelbot says:
tell me
shmeckelbot says:
who DO you like
chris t says:
eric sullivan waterman legandery frog (older works)
shmeckelbot says:
are you fucking serious
chris t says:
i dont think the animation is the most importent
shmeckelbot says:
legendary frog
shmeckelbot says:
are you
shmeckelbot says:
are you serious
chris t says:
haha sorry for having an "opinion" if you know that word
shmeckelbot says:
saying that your favorite animator is one of the biggest faggots ever spawned is not an opinion
chris t says:
why is he so bad? beacuse he tweens?
shmeckelbot says:
shmeckelbot says:
because he SOLELY relies on tweens, everything he makes is 100% unfunny, and hes a terrible voice-actor
shmeckelbot says:
and he also relies a lot on other people's character
chris t says:
and foamy.. i think hes funny, im sorry........animation isnt the best but that doesnt matter shit
shmeckelbot says:
chris t says:
you remind me of those assholes on school, im sorry but lately you have been critisising every single sentence stop it. dont be a dickkid
shmeckelbot says:
you remind me of one of those general 13 year old faggots OOOHHHHH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT