see when i remove the "L" in "swine flu" it becomes "swine f u". which refers to "pig fuckers".
hello everyone how is your mother. swell probably because its mothers day. pico day was also pretty swell. i saw tons of great flashes and had fun looking at them all day. if you havent seen mine, here you go i guess. time bit chunks of my ear off so this is what i got. speaking of pico, im working on a GAME OH MY GOD. pico day is over but i like him. we bought ice-cream.
in other news, im probably getting a new computer. i tried redownloading mabinogi to play with my friend but it wont let me. i also cant download the new msn messenger due to some unknown shit, and everything failed so i guess this is what im going to do.
and to those who question if i am a spammer, an artist, a spic or whatever, this is my answer:
mother fuck
get on msn negro.