Hi Newgrounds. Thanks for the daily 3rd. I dedicate this post to the hard working N****RS who have made flashes, but got horribly underrated and shit on. Also to teach people who make iPhone parodies to try harder. Maybe.
Lake Michigan
The very talented and underrated Flash artist, Kyaztro tried practicing his frame by frame, much like what I did. However, this one turned into a magical experience from beginning to end. With amazing animation, and for me, eye candy.
Racken Fracken Friendship
This one is sorta spammy, but still pretty good. It was made by the world renowned Zekey. It's a heart-worming tale about a boy and his dog. I picked this because I thought, throughout the flash there was some cool animation, such as the lipsyncing. Not only that, but it's fucking hilarious.
RWD: 010 Mario12*
Created by ShirtTurtle. Mario goes on an epic adventure; in a very fun random loop. I just found this great. It's just great. 2.10? WHAAAAAAAAAT? I mean c'mon. There's Mario in it for christ sake.
Math Debate
This one is by one of my favorite artists ever, Blordow. I haven't watched it in a few weeks, but back then it was like 3.21. Now it's higher. BUT NEVERTHELESS I THINK IT'S UNDERRATED. It teaches a valuable lesson for children and... It's fun. I can't wait to see what he does when he gets his tablet. But until then, I suggest watching all his works.
And finally,
You Shot Me.
For some reason, I found this hilarious. Just tear-jerking hilarious. It was RubberNinja's Madness Day 08 submission. Though, a bit strange to most, the animation was ace. Same with, well, everything else. It is also a good source for hilarious reviews. GO!
Well everyone, that's it for this week... And next week. I'll come back next time I can fp post and share with you more of the underrated glory here on Newgrounds. Also if you haven't, you should check out my CampNorth account. It's filled with fun. I'd also like to give a shoutout to mah homie secondstamp just... Because. Also a big thanks to SnawsBall for helping me in my time of need.
Keep an eye out for my Christmas flash coming soon. Peace B)
*Apparently "Thank you Newgrounds" was stolen. So we don't want to bring publicity to stolen stuff now do we.
wheres my poop you bastard?
in my stomach.